Thanks for not listening.

Before I begin to surf the web and look at mindless crap that rots my brain, I visit Yahoo! and read the news to comfort myself into believing that I’m “learning.”

I’m not a big fan of the news because usually it just upsets me and throws me into a frenzy about how much I hate some people on this planet. Well, today was no different.
One thing in particular that struck me was the article “Americans, unlike the Senate, approve of Obama’s jobs bill, poll says.” This was upsetting because as usual Congress does whatever the hell they please and not the job they were elected for, which was to listen to the American people. The bill was going to cut payroll taxes, prolong unemployment benefits, and invest in road construction. The poll found that 63 percent of the people they polled wanted the bill to pass. There was another clause of the bill which was that the rich and corporations will not have any tax loopholes. This part of the bill got 64 percent approval. Now if I was in congress and saw this I would think, “It looks like the people want this bill to pass I should forget about which party I’m on and  support it”.

Anyway, why would they want to raise taxes on the rich – since they of course are the rich. They sit in their pretty, shiny white building doing what they feel is best for them and saying it’s wrong and a waste of the tax payers’ money. We are the god damn tax payer! If we want this bill to pass then it should pass. The people that are in Congress are nothing like the people they represent. They are part of that 1% that believe having $400,000 a year after taxes and feeding their family is not enough. Thanks for not listening to us again Congress and then you wonder why people don’t believe in the system.

About cagedsheep

I write when I can about anything and everything that I feel needs to leave my mind and enter my electronic paper. Occasionally I like to write a music review since all I do all day is listen and discover music. Email me at if you have an questions. View all posts by cagedsheep

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